Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ptlls T1

Name: Caroline RandallDate: 06-03-13 PTLLS Describe what your role, responsibilities and relationships would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle T1 unit 1 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 Unit 2 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 Unit 3 3. 1 3. 2 I am working as a tutor, within a catering department, at a specialist Autistic school for learners from age 5- 22. I am currently teaching entry 3 to level 1 City and Guilds NVQ in Hospitality and Catering and level 2 City and Guilds professional Cookery.My role is to teach the students within the classroom environment this involves all aspects of teaching, including all cross curricular subjects, planning, schemes of work, assessing, making resources, preparing sessions, food ordering. We work as a close team, involving the whole catering department. I work closely alongside the students helping them to understand and practise safe cooking methods and procedures within their qualification.The vocational area of catering also has a range of other subjec ts mapped into the scheme of learning, I include this within the scheme of learning as well as supporting, advising guiding, reading, comprehension, mathematical work, ESD, PLTS, Reflection, I have to model appropriate behaviour and conduct within our working environments, allowing the students to be nurtured and grow within their roles.This includes using appropriate language, body language, eye contact, team work, appropriate discussions with colleagues, listening to others, respect for others, giving clear defined instructions, limiting language- as per each individuals needs, exceptional behaviour points-these are set where age appropriate at the beginning of each session.We use a 3 point behaviour system where students receive 1 point for attending the session, 1 point for meeting their exceptional behaviour point (this could be listen to staff, stay on task) and 1 point for staying on task and completing their work, following the â€Å"golden expectations at Heathermount† these are displayed in every classroom, so we are working from the same rules and expectations. These are discussed at the start of every session- â€Å"school is for learning. Learning is important for a good future. 1. Students and staff will be on time for all sessions. Students and staff will have the right equipment. . Students are expected to go to all of their sessions and take part. 3. Staff will make sure the work students are given meets their needs and strengths. 4. Everyone in Heathermount will be safe and treated with respect. There will be no physical violence. There will be no racism. 5. Everyone will be polite and kind at Heathermount. Remember: make the right choices for your future. I am also a qualified assessor, assessing within their work setting at the required standards, giving positive, constructive criticism if needed. Designing action plans to enable their achievement.Professionalism requires us to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil our responsib ilities to learners, institutions and colleagues. This is achieved by setting professional and personal boundaries which will enable us to be clear about what our limits are and what our professional role involves. It is our responsibility to identify areas outside of the professional boundaries of a teacher, either because of lack of necessary skills or expertise or because it is inappropriate for the teacher to deal with it. This is when external support from other professionals will be required.At Heathermount we work with multiple outside agencies these include: occupation therapists (OT), Speech and Language therapist SALTS, Education psychologists, literacy specialists, Team around the Child (TAC) team around the family (TAF) Internal Quality Assurance practitioners, External assessors, External Consultants, Connexions. Depending on the individual student we may link with. The OT, to improve our students well being, this may include completing exercises and massage with our st udents. I can only help our students once we have been shown by the OT, if the OT has not had time, we are unable to aid the student with this.SALTS work individually and in groups with our students. Each student has a plan from the SALT’s. This means that we as staff need to monitor and assist with this work; i can only work within what I have been shown to do by the SALT’s, as i am not trained in this area. The Education psychologist is a regular visitor to school and helps us as a team with regards to behaviours and well being of our students. The external literacy advisor, who visits Heathermount currently, attends a staff meeting once per week. This is a lengthy staff meeting. TAC and TAF- senior management often attend these meetings with our assistant psychologist.Information that can be passed on this is then passed onto staff at our weekly meetings. This can mean certain students need more attention and time/ observing. We can only help with information that h as been allowed to be passed on and is not confidential. Internal Quality Assurance Practitioners, independent assessors and external consultants- As a Qualified assessor we work closely alongside other professionals. Connexions- this can cause a student to be extremely upset if they realise that they cannot reach their aims and goals. Connexions alongside staff and parents make a realistic learning pathway for the future.Working with all external professionals often can create additional work, reports, actions and tasks for staff at Heathermount. This will always lead to staff needing to be clear to remove the barriers that can easily be formed. * Clear objectives / appropriate deadlines * Additional Time * Additional support to colleagues * Relevant support for students * Real reflection time for self * Ability to access time out! Our learners often show barriers, these may be caused by their disabilities or personality traits. This can lead to a variety of detrimental effects to varying degrees on the running of the class, * disruptive behaviour, non compliance, * refusal, * attitudes to learning, * close down, * Sensory issues, including smell. As we work in a catering environment an initial assessment needs to be produced, is it appropriate, is this the vocational area selected by the students, any issues we need to be aware of, how we can overcome this, how we can phase in if appropriate without these initial questions it could lead to a learner from not achieving. If this information isn’t shared with all relevant staff also this can create issue. It will also stop failure of relationship with staff and other students.As I am a part of a team, there is often staff movement to cover different areas, students, behaviours. This often involves a switch of staff and lead roles with other teachers and the teaching assistants. To ensure a smooth process, clear, honest direct communication is essential. We are all aware of each of our individual students ’ needs, as these are covered in our weekly staff reviews; we also use our internal email system to relate any issues that may occur. We have a daily briefing to communicate the day’s activities and any changes. This means we have to be flexible and work alongside any staff member at any time.We have an internal ordering system where we work alongside the admin team to receive orders. When we go on external trips with the students we have to work with the bursar, so we can collect any money needed for the trip. This entails getting a petty cash slip, which we have to put the amount of money we want, it is then signed off by management and given to the bursar to collect the money for the trip. We also have a purchase order system for larger items, which works the same way. Therefore we need to have a good working relationship with all colleagues to achieve our expectations within teaching.Each student has an individual profile that is readily available on our x drive wh ich we refer to, for all of their most important information. Appendix Student profile – exemplar Appendix EV’s-exemplar This enables staff (especially agency and visitors who are unfamiliar) to get a general overview of the student and their specific needs. These are kept in all teaching files and contain a picture of the child on them, so we can refer to them for planning and goal setting. The teacher’s role is accountable to many areas; I must meet school requirements as well as local authority and government requirements. Registers * Pupils Records * Annual reviews * Safeguarding * Health and Safety * OFSTED * Disability Act * Codes of conducts Registers Even though I am not personally accountable for the registers I have to ensure that I contribute the relevant information that is required on a regular basis as required by the school procedures. www. education. gov. uk 1. All schools must keep two registers of pupils. The admissions register, which records the personal details of every pupil at the school, and the attendance register which records every pupil’s attendance at every session the school is open to pupils. 2.The contents and maintenance of the school registers is governed by the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (Statutory Instrument 2006/1751) and can be viewed on the Ministry of Justice database at www. statutelaw. gov. uk or on the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) website at www. dcsf. gov. uk/schoolattendance. The regulations took effect on 1 September 2006. 3. This guidance is designed to help schools and local authorities apply the pupil registration regulations and make links between issues around school registers and wider education and children’s services issues.It is also designed to help parents, pupils and others to understand the processes and legislation around pupil registration. 4. The guidance is not a substitute for the Education (Pupil Registratio n) (England) Regulations 2006 or other legislation; nor is it a substitute for guidance on other areas of attendance, education and child welfare. It should not be read in isolation from such legislation and guidance. Admissions Register The Admissions Register records valuable information about pupils at the school, including emergency contact details. The details that must be recorded in the Admissions Register are outlined below.It does not include details about the pupils’ attendance, or the subjects that they are studying or other pupil information. Pupils’ Information Schools must record the details of every pupil at the school in the admissions register. This includes pupils who are attending the school on a temporary basis e. g. travellers’ children, children who are accessing facilities not available at their normal school and â€Å"guest pupils†. The register must include the following information for every pupil: a. the pupil’s full name ; b. the pupil’s gender; c. the pupil’s date of birth; d. the date the pupil was admitted to the school; . the name of the school the pupil last attended; and f. where applicable, a statement that the pupil is a boarder. Parents and Carers In addition to the above information schools must also record the following for each pupil: a. the name and address of every parent and carer of the pupil that is known to the school; b. which of these parents and carers the pupil normally lives with; and c. emergency contact details of the parents and carers. However, some schools record additional details such as dates of birth and mother’s maiden name which they can use in security checks when parents contact the school.Schools may also keep additional information about parents which will ease communications with them. For example, it is useful to know that parents have a hearing impairment which prevents them using a telephone or record email addresses. Attendance Register There is a strong statistical link between attendance and attainment; schools with high attendance levels tend to have high levels of attainment at all key stages but those with low attendance levels tend to have low attainment levels.The attendance register is therefore an important tool in the work of schools to drive up standards and pupils’ attainment. It helps them to identify pupils who might need extra support to catch up lessons they may have missed along with action to tackle poor attendance. Schools must take the attendance register at the start of each morning session and during each afternoon session that they are open (see paragraph 11). On each occasion they must record whether every pupil was: a. present; b. absent; c. present at approved educational activity; or . unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances. They must also record whether the absence of a compulsory school-age pupil was authorised or not. There is no requirement to authorise/unauthorised absence of non-compulsory school-age pupils but schools can still use the national attendance and absence codes to help them identify/monitor vulnerable children. The Annual Review – Guidelines for Schools www. ace-ed. org. uk Introduction The school must have a copy of the statement of special educational needs.The statement consists of the statement cover and all the appendices. The statement and any previous reviews must be available to all those who work with the child in order to inform the individual education plan (IEP). The IEP should be updated when the annual review is completed and new targets set and reviewed at least termly. These guidelines provide specific advice and guidance to schools and independent non-maintained schools which provide placements for children with Statements of Special Educational Needs. Purpose of the Annual ReviewThe annual review should aim: To assess the child’s progress towards meeting the long term objectives specified in the s tatement and to collate and record information that the school and other professionals can use in planning their support for the child In the case of the first annual review, to assess the child’s progress towards meeting the targets agreed and recorded in the IEP’s following the making of the statement; and in the case of all other annual reviews to assess progress towards the targets in the IEP’s set at the previous reviewTo review the special provision made for the child, including the appropriateness of any special equipment provided, in the context of the National Curriculum and associated assessment and reporting arrangements. Where appropriate, the school should consider providing a profile of the child’s current levels of attainment in basic literacy, numeracy and life skills for pupils being assessed with P – levels, and English, Maths and Science for pupils under National Curriculum level 1, and a summary of progress achieved in other are as of the curriculum, including the National Curriculum.At Heathermount we use B Squared and CASPA are data programmes which we use to record the students’ achievements and progress academically. The B squared is updated by all teaching staff, a minimum of once per term. This is then merged into CASPA, which shows the students full progress within the school and nationally within the National Curriculum. This is kept within our central records. This enables us to work on the areas needed to bring the student up to the national curriculum level within each subject. We can access this at any time. This is used in core subjects alongside the national curriculum.Where the statement involves a Modification or dis-application of the National Curriculum, the school should indicate what special arrangements have been made for the child to consider the continuing appropriateness of the statement in the light of the child’s performance during the previous year, any additional sp ecial educational needs which may have become apparent in that time and any needs that have been met and are no longer an issue, and thus to consider whether to cease to maintain the statement or whether to make any amendments, including any further modifications or dis-application of the National Curriculum, and if the statement is to be maintained, to set new targets for the coming year; progress towards those targets can be considered at the next review. Objectives and Targets For practical purposes generally the following distinction is made: Long term objectives: the overall objectives set for the child’s progress for the duration of the statement * annual objectives: the medium term objectives set for the year * Targets: (SMART) specific short term targets related to the established long term objectives and annual objectives will appear in the IEP which should be reviewed on at least a termly basis. The Timing of the Annual Review The annual review process must be compl eted within one year of the date of the final statement and within each twelve months thereafter. The process is not complete until the Local Authority (LA) has circulated its recommendations; this can be up to six weeks after the annual review meeting is held.The annual review can be brought forward and this is sometimes helpful or necessary to: a) Bring the annual review meeting in line with the school’s other arrangements for reporting to parent(s)/carer(s) b) Spread annual reviews evenly over the year where there are many children with statements c) Deal with annual reviews at a single point of the school year where there are only a few children with a statement d) Reflect the circumstances of the child and the need for early decisions to be made regarding transfer between phases e) Enable the LA to respond to an exceptional change in circumstances. If the annual review is to be brought forward, the parent(s)/carer(s) should be consulted and the SEN Team informed. Ideally , arrangements for bringing dates forward should be made at the beginning of the academic year. The annual review cannot legally be delayed for over 1 year from the date of the statement or the date the LA issued recommendations from the previous review. Each school must produce a range of policies which formally set out the guidelines and procedures for ensuring equality. Health and SafetyWorking within the catering department, the training kitchen and the main kitchen for the school we all follow the required Health and Safety regulations, wear the advised PPE. Some of the basic risks for my allocated areas are: * Prevent contamination and you reduce or even eliminate the slip risk. * Avoid spillage and leakage onto the floor. * Most slip injuries happen on wet floors, so clean up spills immediately. * Dry floors after wet cleaning, e. g. after mopping. * Selecting and using the most appropriate footwear for the work environment can reduce the slip risk. Data from reported acciden ts reveals the priority areas for accident prevention in the industry are slips, trips, handling, cuts and exposure to hot and harmful substances.As staff we have completed PPE (personal and protective equipment), COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) and HACCUP (hazards and analysis and critical control points) food hygiene course. This enables staff to be aware of risks within the catering environment and help to prevent them. We all have completed risk assessments in our rooms and we take precautions by locking unsafe equipment away, making sure students have the correct training when using this equipment. A full uniform is worn by students, which covers PPE regulations. Safety of students and staff is paramount and the management team try to minimalise the risks at all times, making sure we are adequately staffed. We follow the safety rules showing students how we expect tasks to be completed safely and appropriately.We discuss things as a group, not highlighting ind ividual mistakes. http://www. hse. gov. uk/risk/index. htm http://www. hse. gov. uk/risk/classroom-checklist. htm http://www. hse. gov. uk/risk/principles. htm By working in the catering department, I am fully aware of career inspirations and progression that our students would want to take. As part of this role I have to ensure with the catering team, that we have a real life work environment that supports the transition of our students into work placements and further along the line – work! With the current working statistics, this is going to be hard for anyone, so our students have to work at times twice as hard to prove their occupational competence.At this time we are expanding the opportunities within our department by outside catering, working in the main kitchen, mentoring younger students and work placements at various locations. The catering department are therefore working with our local community to enable the opportunities to expand. This includes community cent res, schools, colleges, banks, major stores and small businesses. Appendix – Room risk Assessment Appendix – Equipment risk assessment Appendix- lost child procedure What is safeguarding? It might be difficult to accept, but every child can be hurt, put at risk of harm or abused, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity. Safeguarding legislation and government guidance says that safeguarding means: * protecting children from maltreatment preventing impairment of children’s health or development * Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. And â€Å"undertaking that role so as to enable those children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully. † http://www. safenetwork. org. uk/getting_started/Pages/Why_does_safeguarding_matter. aspx We report and write a report of any safe guarding issues to our designated senior leadership team member. She then deal s with this, as it is confidential. Phone calls Appendix – Incident report from Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial.They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. www. ofsted. gov. uk The purpose of the schools sections of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (As amended by the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001) http://www. equalityhumanrights. com/uploaded_files/drc_schools_code. pd This Code covers young people over the age of sixteen when in school. The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) is issuing a separate Code of Practice to explain how the duties apply in further and higher education and to give practical guidance to providers of ‘post-16’ education that are not schools. There are three main sources of support available to disabled pupils in school.These come from different parts of the legislation. Support is available through: the disability discrimination duties the planning duties; and the Special Educational Needs (SEN) framework. The definition of disability which is the basis for all the duties is set out in the Disability Discrimination Act. We need to ensure we follow the reasonable adjustments duty. * Not to treat disabled pupils less favourably * To take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage. Regardless of disabilities all students must be treated fairly and equally. Aids and disabled access should be added to the environment, so disabled people can access the site and workAt Heathermount on our x drive with in the staff hand book we have policies that will and do cover the following: * The rights of all individuals and groups within the school. * The values and practice which are part of all aspects of school life. * The legal duties of the school. Code of Professional Practice These boundaries could have a negative effect on us as teachers as well as other professionals within the organisation. We therefore need to deal with these boundaries by referring to the Institute for Learning's (IfL) Code of Practice (2008) which outlines the behaviours expected of teachers in the Lifelong Sector http://www. ifl. ac. uk/membership/professional-standards/code-of-professional-practice The Institute for Learning’s code of Professional Practice came into force on 1 April 2008.The Code was developed by the profession for the profession and it outlines the behaviours expected of members – for the benefit of learners, employers, the profession and the wider community. * Integrity * Respect * Care * Practice * Disclosure * Responsibility The members shall; Behaviour 1: Professional integrity 1. Meet their professional responsibilities consistent with the Institute’s professional values 2. Use reasonable professional judg ement when discharging differing responsibilities and obligations to learners, colleagues, institution and the wider profession 3. Uphold the reputation of the profession by never unjustly or knowingly damaging the professional reputation of another or furthering their own position unfairly at the expense of another 4.Comply with all reasonable assessment and quality procedures and obligations 5. Uphold the standing and reputation of the Institute and not knowingly undermine or misrepresent its views nor their Institute membership, any qualification or professional status The members shall at all times: Behaviour 2: Respect 1. Respect the rights of learners and colleagues in accordance with relevant legislation and organisation requirements 2. Act in a manner which recognises diversity as an asset and does not discriminate in respect of race, gender, disability and/or learning difficulty, age, sexual orientation or religion and belief. The members shall takeBehaviour 3: Reasonable c are Reasonable care to ensure the safety and welfare of learners and comply with relevant statutory provisions to support their well-being and development. Behaviour 4: Professional practice The members shall provide evidence to the Institute that they have complied with the current Institute CPD policy and guidelines. Behaviour 5: Criminal offence disclosure Any member shall notify the Institute as soon as practicable after cautioning or conviction for a criminal offence. The Institute reserves the right to act on such information through its disciplinary process. Behaviour 6: Responsibility during Institute investigationsA member shall use their best endeavours to assist in any investigation and shall not seek to dissuade, penalise or discourage a person from bringing a complaint against any member, interfere with or otherwise compromise due process. Behaviour 7: Responsibility to the Institute The members shall at all time act in accordance with the Institute’s conditions of membership which will be subject to change from time to time. There are four sanctions which can be applied to members who breach the Code of professional practice: * A reprimand * A conditional registration order * A suspension order * An expulsion order The nature of the sanction imposed will depend upon the circumstances of the case. IfL has issued indicative sanctions guidance to the professional practice committee.Any disciplinary order imposed by IfL relates only to a member's class and status within IfL and bears no connection to relationships outside of that, such as membership of another organisation or employment. Lesson Plans evaluation/comments: Appendix Scheme of learning Appendix lesson plan Lesson plans alongside teaching folders are collected in termly, by the head teacher, assistant heads and education psychologist. These are reviewed as part of our good practise. As I teach and assess entry 3 and level 1 hospitality and catering and level 2 professional cookery. I follow set criteria by City and Guilds. This involves assessment plans being completed.I assess the students’ general tasks that need to be completed, specific techniques, ingredients and equipment that must be covered throughout the student, making sure they reach the required standard for that unit. I then complete the paperwork for that unit. In our folders this is dating, evidencing, mapping, photographs, observations, written evidence cross referenced cross referencing with the correct units and then mapping onto the specific unit being assessed. When I have assessed a specific unit the internal quality assurance practitioner assesses my ability to assess by checking the students work, making sure all of the assessments made by myself is carried out to the correct standards. They also standardise across all assessors.We may have a visit or a remote visit by external consultants who checks that our centre is operating the appropriate internal quality assurance processe s and procedures for the qualification in line with the awarding body requirements. We can then be approved to certificate! Vocational Tutors with subject specialism have responsibility as subject coordinators for the development and monitoring of curriculum delivery across the centre in the relevant subject. Main responsibilities and expectations * Knowledge and understanding * Planning and setting expectations * Teaching and managing students’ learning and care * Assessment and evaluation * Students achievement * Relations with parents and the wider community Managing own performance and development * Managing and developing staff and other adults * Managing resources * Strategic leadership As a member of staff of the catering department, we are all focused on CPD, we have to fulfil our assessor’s requirements, vocationally and knowledge based. This can be meetings, directed days, personal reflection, and standardisation. Our internal verifier for catering comes into school termly. She then reviews the students’ folders and units completed. We have standardisation meetings with her to ensure we are all assessing to the correct level and standard, reaching the set criteria. This is discussed at every visit, once termly.We all assess to TAQA- (training and quality assurance) At present our CPD for all staff has been focused on literacy. We have had an expert in from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (Jo Hefer) every week to help us improve the standard of literacy within the school as a whole. This has involved practical and group work. During INSET days we complete CPD activities and courses. We have all recently completed MAYBO www. maybo. co. uk/ leaders in conflict management course If staff want to apply for additional courses, a request is completed, which needs to be agreed by the Senior Leadership Team. We also have to be up to date with the vocational sector.This is by being registered with and tracking our sector skills council directive, apprenticeship guidance and at times government agendas. As government changes, funding bodies change names, location and funding streams, Heathermount has started to employ apprentices. I work alongside the Catering apprentices. The apprentices started in May 2012 which has been a steep learning curve for the Catering department. http://www. lge. gov. uk/lge/core/page. do? pageId=3577861#contents-4 An apprenticeship should therefore be a planned programmed in place for a defined period of time that combines work and learning and supports an individual to develop skills and knowledge, usually within the framework of achieving a qualification for a particular trade or profession.Managing apprentices As an employee, apprentices should be managed under the local authority’s normal performance management policies, and the employer can require the apprentice to comply with the employer’s normal policies and conditions of employment. However, there are sp ecial rights and duties to take account of if the local authority wishes to terminate the apprenticeship earlier than originally specified in the contract. Local authorities should be aware that misconduct that would normally justify the summary dismissal of an employee may not justify the dismissal of an apprentice. Traditionally apprenticeship schemes set the employer in loco parentis.This implies that the employer has a wider duty of care to support the personal growth and learning of the apprentice, in addition to providing professional development and skills. As a result, the local authority would be expected to exercise more leeway and provide additional support for an apprentice with conduct or capability issues. However, where a local authority can show that the conduct or capability of the apprentice is so bad that it is impossible to teach him or her agreed trade, then the early dismissal of the apprentice is capable of being fair (Newell v Gillingham Corporation). Appendi ces 1. Job Description 2. Student profile 3. Room risk assessment 4. Equipment risk assessment 5. Incident Form 6. Scheme of learning

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